Commercial Females

We offer replacement quality heifers from our commercial herd on a yearly basis.  We generally wean our calves in early November and heifers would be available at that point.  The steers are sold and the quality females kept to be backgrounded for a few months.  Once they’re weaned, they receive their second round of vaccinations in the fall, to ensure they are in good health for breeding as yearlings.  We retain our own heifers to replenish our herd and stand behind the program we’ve developed.

2024 Speckle Park Influence Replacement Heifers


Born Mar 2/24


Born Mar 23/24


Born Mar 25/24


Born Apr 2/24

186E (Middle)

Born Mar 22/24


Born Apr 5/24

Previous Replacement Heifers

2023 Calves - July

2023 Calf Crop

2022 Calves - Fall

Born March-April 2023

Available Fall 2023

Commercial Replacement Heifers

2023 Calf Crop

Born March-April 2023

Available Fall 2023